Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lemonade Award

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw Ashley at Senora Espanola had nominated me for an award! Thanks so much! I have really grown to love cooking since I started this blog. I still don't think I'm a natural in the kitchen, but I have a lot of fun and have learned a lot reading everyone else's blogs. And it's always nice to know I'm not the only one reading it :)

I think a lot of us have the same favorites, so I scanned my blogroll to find some new blogs to nominate and follow!

Apple a Day
Angie at Adventures in Home Cooking
Jaime at Sweet Surrender
Melissa at Made by Melissa
My Baking Heart

1 comment:

  1. I'm just NOW seeing this! I've got special skills. :-) Thanks so much! I've starred you in my GR, so I'll be sure to come back here.
